Build high-functioning, agile teams aligned to strategic objectives that thrive on quickly and effectively addressing and resolving conflict.
Family owned businesses. Corporations. Non-profits.
Above The Line process. 360 Conflict Dynamics Profiles. Workshops & Keynotes. Family Business Succession Planning.
Channel resources to accelerate decision-making, focus on IntelligentRisking, and capitalize on opportunities vs being side-tracked by personal agendas.
End Game?
Once conflict is being managed successfully, transform it into a Positive Disruptor, to provide you with a competitive edge by identifying breakthrough possibilities and avenues for success.
More About Us
Repair individual, team and family relationships by resolving existing conflict and minimizing future conflict.

Executive Coaching
We improve personal effectiveness by increasing self-awareness, adaptive leadership, and influencing skills. Find Out More

Succession Planning
Family Businesses must have a sustainable plan free from personal conflicts, agendas, politics. Find Out More

Mediation & Failitation
Having a trusted outside, impartial 3rd party is often critical for repairing relationships and forward movement. Find Out More

Conflict Dynamics Profiles
Are there differences between self-perceptions and how others view you? If so, they must be effectively addressed. Find Out More