This program teaches individuals how to use above The Line thinking to create conflict resolution. Barbara begins the program by asking: Is it is more important to be effective or right?.

Using above The Line Philosophy she shares that the genesis for most conflict is our desire to be right, and the only way any of us can be 'right' is if we make someone else 'wrong.'

Staying above The Line in conflict requires that we remaining genuinely open, curious, and respectful. Understanding how people drop below The Line into their 'old story' is also crucial because that is how we keep them engaged in the conversation. Staying above The Line transforms awkward, negative conflict into productive, problem solving dialogue, a skill available to all of us.

Ms. Stoker introduces Conflict Management skills to help individuals increase their awareness around how conflict begins and how it escalates. The audience will explore their own conflict style plus learn the difference between being in conflict and mediating conflict. They also look at the concepts like the 'fundamental attribution error'; and 'retaliation cycles'.

Since most people are quite clear about the role 'others' play in the conflict, Ms. Stoker challenges them to look at their own role. Even though they may not have actively engaged in the conflict did it escalate because they were passive? avoiding? not setting clear boundaries?

Behaviors around conflict that are above The Line include: Adapting, Reaching Out, Creating Solutions, Perspective Taking,  and Delay Responding.

Behaviors below The Line include: Displaying Anger, Demeaning Others, Retaliating, Avoiding, and Winning-at-all-costs.

At the end of Barbara's dynamic, interactive program every person will walk out the door with the above The Line awareness and skills required to resolve old conflicts, minimize new ones and avoid future conflict. Contact us to book Barbara for your next event.